Your Membership supports:
- Watershed Survey 2023 – On May 19-20, over 70 TLEA volunteers surveyed the entire Watershed for Thompson Lake, to locate root causes of pollution entering the lake and help solicit State and Federal funding for remediation.
- Youth Conservation Corps – employing students to help landowners with responsible environmental landscaping solutions
- Courtesy Boat Inspection – employing students to inspect boats entering and exiting Thompson Lake, preventing the spread of invasive plants that damage the natural environment.
- LakeSmart – a free, voluntary program, staffed by TLEA volunteers, that offers property owners an evaluation of their property and suggestions for reducing erosion and unwanted water-runoff.
- Invasives / Milfoil Removal – since 2008, support from members enabled TLEA to remove over 560 TONS of invasive variable-leaf milfoil. But milfoil grows back, so each Summer, TLEA hires divers to inspect all areas for reinfestation.
- Water Quality/Monitoring/Water Level – for 50 years, TLEA has used volunteers and professionals to measure lake water clarity and quality. TLEA has worked to manage water levels to protect fish habitat and reduce erosion from ice shifts.
- Loon Count- in partnership with the Maine Audubon Society, TLEA volunteers take an annual count of loons and loon chicks to assess the health of the population.
- The Observer- Members receive the latest information about Thompson Lake from the TLEA newsletter, The Observer, three time annually.
TLEA has no paid executive director, no paid administrative assistant – the Association instead has a group of dedicated volunteers who work long hours to manage our many programs. Your support allows us to hire skilled divers to hand-pull milfoil, students to inspect watercraft entering the lake, and students who learn responsible environmental remediation in our YCC Program.
Help Us Keep Thompson Lake one of the Cleanest Lakes in Maine!
Membership Rate Options
- Individual – $35
- Family – $55
- Benefactor – $150
- Sponsor – $250
- Patron – $500
- Lake Steward – $1,000
How to Become a Member
There are two ways to complete the new membership application:
- Complete the online payment form below
- Mail in your check for the correct amount to the Main Office at: TLEA, PO Box 25, Oxford, ME 04270